Recycling – Amazon joins DoE NREL BOTTLE (Bio-Optimized Technologies to keep Thermoplastics out of Landfills and the Environment) Consortium

A March 8, 2022 Amazon news release reports that “… Of all the materials used today, plastics are the fastest-growing category and offer the greatest opportunity for innovation. In joining the BOTTLE™ Consortium, led by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Amazon aims to help develop the foundational technologies that will enable the full life cycle of plastics to be net-zero carbon. From a scientific perspective, this requires rethinking plastics at the molecular level and developing new technologies that will keep these molecules in use … The goal of our work is to develop new technologies that will not only enable but also encourage keeping the carbon in plastics in use by ensuring it is both technically and economically viable to recover and recycle these materials at the end of their life … An additional objective … is to develop new plastics that could be made from the chemicals coming out of this new deconstruction process …” #Recycling #PlasticWaste #SingleUsePlastic @AmazonScience