Plastic Industry 2040 Goal: Recycle or Recover All Plastic Packaging

On April 30, 2020, the American Chemistry Council changed the name of its Chemical Recycling Alliance to the Advanced Recycling Alliance for Plastics (ARAP) to reflect its growing membership and variety of members’ advanced recycling technologies – “… ARAP is at the forefront in representing the rapidly growing advanced recycling and recovery sector for plastics … Advanced plastics recycling is one of the fastest growing solutions to America’s plastic waste concerns, and will help the plastics industry realize its goal of recycling or recovering all plastic packaging by 2040 … Advanced plastics recycling and recovery technologies can create a wide range of products from post-use, recovered plastics, such as plastic and chemical feedstocks, transportation fuels, and crude oil …” #Recycling #PlasticWaste #SingleUsePlastic #PlasticPackaging